If you think that you have a bad life, because some people have more, just have a look at those who have nothing at all and you will understand the value or your assets. Before I moaned because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. Think about it!

Everyone can learn things, it is not difficult. But imagination is more important than knowledge. And that is what they don’t teach us at schools and universities. In fact they do not teach anything, they only tell us what we have to know. And the rest depends on us.

The key to failure is trying to please everyone. For this reason when I was creating this page, there was no single second when I wanted to make it in a way that people will like. I am not interested in the opinion of people who are not interesting for me.

Well… In this world there is nothing that you can know for sure. That is the only thing that I know for sure.So never say that you know something, because in fact you do not !

I could never understand people who keep posting their blogs on the web. I find it ridiculous. Don’t they understand the importance of keeping their things private?  So I will not say anything interesting here. Just will try to fill the space with some words and letters =)

    J say ...

    It’s not how you look when you are playing the game, its how you play the game when people are watching.


    June 2010



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